If you consider using a co-signer for the loan, you may be able to negotiate a lower interest rate. Thanks to the Internet, there are many ways to compare rates to find the best one for your situation. This means that research is very important for consumers. While there are standard interest rate ranges for credit scores, every financial institution has some leeway when determining the rates they offer. When shopping for a personal loan with bad credit, you’ll be considered a high-risk client and receive a higher interest rate for the loan. If you are looking for a personal loan to buy a computer, be sure that you understand the terms and will be able to make the repayment schedule. Computer Loan Bad Credit – What Are My Options? A card with a six-month interest free period allows you to pay $167 a month to pay off a $1,000 computer.
Even without stellar credit, you may be able to find a card that serves your purpose. You can look for used computers on sites like Craiglist so that your investment is much more budget friendly.Īnother option is to look for a credit card with a zero-interest introductory period. In this case, it may be better to try another way to get a computer. If you are looking to your bank for a loan, they may not be willing to loan such a small amount. Can I Get a Personal Loan to Buy a Laptop?